Hi there! My name is Isabel. Poke around here for all things career, creative, and background.

I’m currently available for film and digital photo bookings.

Spring 2023

I’m based out of New York City.

I’m a firm believer in the importance of intersectional work— professional experiences in writing, public relations, and creative strategy have provided me with confident communication and marketing expertise.

Social intelligence is my most valued personal asset. The intersectional nature of my professional experiences, personal projects, and research-based studies have lent themselves useful to my ability to communicate, collaborate, and deliver on innovative marketing and strategy-based campaigns.

Großer Wannsee, Berlin. Fall 2019. One of my favorite film photos I took while studying in Berlin.

Großer Wannsee, Berlin. Fall 2019.

My award-winning and published honors thesis explored the effect confederate monument removal has on political attitudes and republican vote share. See more in my essays section.

Check out my resumé tab for more details on my academic and professional experiences.